The Silent Deeds

Perth Rocks Festival is happening Sunday, 15 September 2024. We got to speak to some of the bands ahead of the festival to get to know them and what they are all about. For Steph Jewell’s next interview she spoke with Corey Ranger of local Perth rock band, The Silent Deeds. The Silent Deeds are Corey Ranger (vocals and guitar), Matt Debarro (bass and vocals), Jake Bignell (guitar) and Andrew Karalis (drums).

Steph: What is the origin story of The Silent Deeds, how did you all come together?

Corey: Well, like most great things, The Silent Deeds started as a masterclass in avoiding uni assignments. Back in 2013, I had a choice – finish my essay or pick up a guitar. Naturally, the guitar won. A few questionable riffs later, we had ourselves a band. Our first gig was at Ya-Ya’s in the city in 2014, and here we are, 10 years later, wondering where the time went (and why we’re not better at it). We started out as an acoustic-driven rock band but have since cranked it up to classic rock ‘n’ roll. A few lineup changes along the way, but since 2020, we’ve had a rock-solid crew in Matty De Barro (Bass/Vocals), Andew Karalis (Drums), Jake Bignell (Lead Guitar) and me (Rhythm/Vocals).

Steph: What is your process with writing new songs?

Corey: Our songwriting process is best described as controlled chaos. Matt is the wordsmith, coming up with lyrics, while I sort out the melodies and vocals. Jake handles the technical wizardry on guitar, and Andy keeps us all in check with a killer rock beat. It’s all done on WhatsApp because we’re super professional like that. If a song survives the group chat we take it to the practice studio. If it passes the final test—us not hating it after playing it a million times—it becomes a Deeds classic. If not, it’s sent to the ‘never to be heard again’ pile along with tracks like ‘The Debacle’ and ‘Take it Back’. Some things are better left unsaid… or unsung.


Steph: Speaking of tracks, please can you tell me about your latest release, ‘Lady’?

Corey: ‘Lady’ was one of those jams that started off as a bit of fun and turned into a full-blown rock anthem. It’s not about anyone in particular (thankfully), but it’s a tale about a woman who’s fierce, takes no prisoners, and has a guy absolutely under her spell. Spoiler: she eventually moves on to someone with a better car or something. It’s all in good fun, though. Oh, and here’s a challenge for anyone who’s up for it: count how many times we say “La” in the song.

Steph: What have The Silent Deeds been working on, and what’s coming up in the near future?

Corey: Well, when we’re not wrangling kids or avoiding dad duties, we’re still rocking out. We’ve evolved a bit, like any band that’s been around for a decade. These days, we’re doing more cover sets for corporate gigs and playing the occasional pub residency. Speaking of which, we’ve locked in a sweet residency at the Carine. It’s been a blast getting back into the swing of things. We’ve got two new tracks dropping this year—‘Bird in the Sky,’ which is probably the best thing we’ve ever written, and ‘Cross the Line,’ which is pure Deeds through and through.

Steph: And how did The Silent Deeds become involved with Perth Rocks?

Corey: Ah, the glory days! We were on the very first Perth Rocks lineup at the Civic Hotel. That’s where we met the Rockpit crew, and from then on, it’s been a beautiful friendship built on rock ‘n’ roll and drinking shots. This will be our third Perth Rocks Festival, and we’re stoked to be part of it again. It’s unreal to see so many local Perth bands coming together to create a day filled with killer tunes. If there’s one event to circle in red on your calendar, it’s this one.

Steph: Who are you most looking forward to seeing on the Perth Rocks lineup?

Corey: Without a doubt, it’s Warbirds from Melbourne! We had the pleasure of playing alongside them for Rockpit’s 10-year anniversary in Melbourne, and let’s just say we bonded over many, many shots of tequila. We’ve stayed mates ever since, so we can’t wait to catch up with them and, of course, see them rip it up on stage. Honestly, though, the whole lineup is stacked, and we’re keen to check out as many acts as we can. It’s going to be an absolute ripper of a day!

Steph: It definitely is! Thank you so much for your time!

You can catch The Silent Deeds and all the other awesome bands playing at the Perth Rocks Festival on 15 September 2024 at Port Beach in Freo. Grab your tickets here. For more information, check out the Perth Rocks Festival on Facebook or Instagram @perthrocksfestival

You can follow The Silent Deeds on Instagram: @TheSilentDeedsMusic | YouTube | Facebook | Spotify | Apple Music