
Perth Rocks Festival is happening Sunday, 15 September 2024. Stephanie Jewell got to speak to some of the bands ahead of the festival to get to know them and what they are all about.

For Steph’s next interview she spoke with Gina Bafile, vocalist of local Perth symphonic metal band Darkyra. Joining Gina on stage are local Perth musical heavy weights, Nikki Dagostino (keys and synth), Maaz Manik (bass), Krissy Sanfead (guitar) and Dan Grainger (drums).

Steph: Tell me the origin story of Darkyra?

Gina: I had just finished up with a band called Caprycon, which was like really sort of way out prog. It was pretty full on and I thought some of this stuff is like crazy busy and there isn’t a lot of room for vocals. So I thought that I wouldn’t mind trying to write some stuff, so I finished up with them and I guess it was just an experimental thing. I found some overseas musicians because I couldn’t find anyone here that wanted to do the symphonic thing at the time. Initially it was just one song then one song turned into an EP. Then an EP turned into an album. Then a second album and then I took it on the road back then, and found musicians here. And we did a few shows and we had planned to tour but the week that we were meant to fly out on tour I ended up starting chemo. That was the end of that basically. So I didn’t do anything for a while, and here we are now.

Steph: And what has Darkyra been working on in the background leading up to the Perth Rocks Festival?

Gina: Well I have been working on another album which is basically a closure type album, which is putting aside the last seven or eight years of not doing anything. The guys from overseas want to just do one last thing. So it is pretty much just finishing off that era and then moving on to the next stage of Darkyra with everyone here.

Steph: And how did you come to find the members you have now?

Krissy: I have known Gina for longer than I want to admit, because that would make me sound old. We used to play in a band called Maiden Head back when I was twenty. So, like, three years ago (laughs). I have just known her ever since, really.

Maaz: I just replied on a post that she put up looking for symphonic metal band members and I thought hell yeah, I want to do something like that, because Perth is kind of lacking in that scene, so I thought I want to be a part of it, and I am glad she took me in.

Steph: And what has been the most exciting thing in the lead up to Perth Rocks? Is there any band in particular you are looking forward to seeing?

Gina: I haven’t seen Ragdoll in ages so really looking forward to seeing those guys again. And Code Red, I saw them last year. Maciek, who plays in that band, is a friend who used to play in Darkyra for a while. Like the first lot of musicians I had here. And just really good friends, so catching up with people I haven’t seen in a while.


Steph: How did you come to be involved with Perth Rocks?

Gina: Krissy suggested it actually.

Krissy: I am the poster chick, I made the poster. Me and Jacob go way back, we used to play in a band together. Jacob is a good dude.

Steph: Nice one! And what is coming up for Darkyra in 2025?

Gina: There is obviously an album release and probably another band clip. We just have to play the rest by ear!

Steph: How would you describe the sound of Darkyra?

Gina: It is probably eclectic symphonic rock.

Maaz: Like movie soundtracks.

Gina: More cinematic, tracks that are more on the progressive side. How would you describe it Dan?

Dan: Symphonic opera metal.

Steph: That sounds awesome! Thank you, Darkyra!

You can catch Darkyra and all the other awesome bands playing at the Perth Rocks Festival on 15 September 2024 at Port Beach in Freo. Grab your tickets here. For more information, check out the Perth Rocks Festival on Facebook or Instagram @perthrocksfestival

You can follow Darkyra on Instagram: @DarkyraMusic| Website | Facebook | Spotify | TikTok