INTERVIEW: Six with Sixx – S1 Ep6: James ‘Oz’ Oswald from Midnight Alibi

Brand New Episodes of 'Six With Sixx' Out Every Thursday

Welcome to episode six of ‘Six with Sixx’, hosted by Melbourne’s Nikki Sixx. Nikki is no stranger to the local rock scene, not only as a huge supporter and fan of Australia’s independent rock movement but also as a long-time presenter on The Hard Rock Show. 

Nikki will be dropping a new episode each and ever Thursday, interviewing folks from every element of the scene, from artists to venue owners, promoters to sound techs. Nikki will hunt them down to find out the inside info we have all been wanting to know.

Australian indie-rock preachers Midnight Alibi have released a new single, ‘Sad n Blue’ but don’t be fooled by the title because it certainly isn’t a ballad. It’s a hard hitting riffer of a song that will get you rocking out with the cops if your driving. Nikki caught up with James ‘Oz’ Oswald to find out more about the band and pull out some interesting stories.

Visit Nikki’s page on Facebook HERE

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.