Credit: Jason Mayer
On the eve of the first Pandemonium Rocks show here in Melbourne I was fortunate enough to be invited to chat with Tommy Henriksen the Alice Cooper/Hollywood Vampires guitarist and CROSSBONE SKULLY frontman. We talked everything from his early career, his time with Alice to his new project CROSSBONE SKULLY. We dove deep into his career. Tommy previewed to me the upcoming singles from CROSSBONE SKULLY and gave me the lowdown on working with Mutt Lange. It’s a fun read.
Andrew : Welcome to The Rockpit and Australia Tommy, thanks for taking time out to chat with us.
Tommy : The Rockpit nice!!! Thank you so much for having me.
Andrew : You landed in Australia earlier this week, have you had much time to yourself to explore or has it been resting and rehearsing for these shows with Alice?
Tommy : I got here two days ago so I haven’t really been doing much of anything, sleeping, walking around, two rehearsals with Alice which were great.
Andrew : Obviously the reason for your time in Australia is for Pandemonium Rocks with Alice Cooper; but that’s not the reason for our chat today, it is of course to talk about your incredible new band CROSSBONE SKULLY. Congratulation on the project and what a band. The singles to date have all been amazing and offer something a little different stylistically. Tell me about how it all started, where the name came from and the concept behind it all.
Tommy : Thank you so much man. It started out as a soundcheck. Whenever we go to soundcheck me and the drummer Glenn Sobel (Alice Cooper/Hollywood Vampires) we would soundcheck AC/DC songs and we always to go songs like Highway To Hell, Sin City, For Those About To Rock, we would always play those songs. One of our lighting guys actually works for AC/DC and said to me you guys should really do this. I was thinking to myself I haven’t really sung like this since the clubs, then I went home, we had a break from touring and I wrote a couple of songs. Let’s see maybe he is right, maybe I am missing something here. I wrote three songs and the next thing you know I was like I think I can do this. That’s how the idea originally started. My next thought was to put a band together and just do it.
The name is funny; I was googling old stuff from the twenties about poverty and stuff. I came across a women whose name I think was Aunt Molly Jackson, I can’t remember exactly and she had a song called ‘Crossbones Scully’ or something like that. I saw it and thought that might be a good name for a band so I wrote it down. There was another I had Gods and Something. So we just took the s off Crossbones and it was Crossbone Skully. Mark Wilkerson he took the s off as he said it would be a little too confusing with the two s’s.
Andrew : The first single ‘Evil World Machine’ has just got some serious crunch and balls to it. The AC/DC influence, styling and flavour is the best I have heard it done outside of AC/DC; it’s so refreshing to hear it done right.
Tommy : When you have the right guy doing it Mutt Lange, that’s why it done right if you know what I mean. When we were doing that I one I wanted to do an intro to a song like David Bowies ‘Future Legend’ or Motley Crue’s ‘In The Beginning’. I wanted to open the record with something no one has done in a while, even though it has been done before, you hadn’t heard it before and I wanted to do it with Skully’s voice, this alien voice and the message he is saying. What that song represents is what the record is all about, the message, the lyrics, he is telling you the story of the Evil World Machine. It was one of those things, we came up with the intro and Mutt just created what we knew it was supposed to sound like.
Andrew : Thinking back to the intro sure yes it is familiar but it is distinctly your own. I love your voice in this project, it has all the hallmarks of an AC/DC styled voice but isn’t trying to be a Bon Scott or Brian Johnston, it’s yours and it works incredibly well.
Tommy : Thank you. You know it’s one of those things; one of my favourite singers is Alex Harvey and that’s who I was actually trying to channel. To hear that I could actually sound like Bon Scott and I don’t think anyone can really sound like Bon. When Mutt heard it he was like this is very cool, we are going to make it your own, but you have an uncanny familiarity to Bon Scott. To reassure me he said you aren’t imitating art you are creating art and that meant a whole lot to me. Mutt really liked the lyrics and what I was saying which was really cool too. There is a little Johnny Rotten influence, a punk take on things in there as well.
Andrew : The second single ‘The Boom that Went Boom’ features Phil Collin from Def Leppard on guitar and he adds his own little bit of spice to the song. It all seems to fall back in line with what Mutt has been able to create for you. When you look at the song and the follow up single ‘I’m Unbreakable’ and the message behind that song, it’s production and even the clip gives a legitimacy to the band where the earlier singles could have been perceived more as a solo project.
Tommy : Yeah Phil definitely brings something of his own to ‘The Boom That Went Boom’. I always wanted this to be a band, when I was looking for people to put the band together, I knew I wanted two girls in the band. I have learned so much from Alice watching the way he does things and when he put Orianthi in the band I was at first a bit like this is a little weird, but then it became really cool once I saw what it brought to the band dynamic. I wanted to have two girls in the band from day one and have a bunch of dudes in there as well. ‘I’m Unbreakable’ was the first song I co wrote with Mutt Lang which was great. The chorus, the sound, the production reminded me of what Def Leppard would be writing and releasing with Mutt these days, this is what it would sound like.
Andrew : For me it has a whole Def Leppard 1980 feel to it.
Tommy : Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Andrew : It has that little bit of familiarity to it and that’s what I think comes from Mutt doing his magic.
Tommy : Absolutely, that is his chorus.
Andrew : What did it actually take to get Mutt Lange out of retirement?
Tommy : You know what it’s funny the guitarist Tommy Denander that I mentioned before is an amazing guitar player and I was working of the songs and needed someone to play on them. I sent him the songs and he said who is singing on these, I said me. He said I can’t believe it’s you blah, blah, blah. We ended up working on like eighteen songs and he says I want to send these to Mutt Lang and I was like laughing, c’mon man, he was like no I will get them to him and I was like alright. He got them to him and I got a call from Mutt Lang. So he called me and says I think there is something here, I would like to work on some songs, it was so weird man. There is more to the story but that is pretty much the way it happened. It was one of those phone calls where you hang up the phone and pretty much start crying because you can’t believe it just happened. Even though it feels like one of those life long dreams you go I’m not going to be able to work with a guy like that. First of all I’m not a millionaire, I don’t have money like that, I’m not famous, I’m not twenty years old. For a guy like that to come out and do something like this is just WOW, I’m still working with him on songs right now which is amazing. I can send him a song like I did today and he will have it done, it’s incredible.
Andrew : Given that there are three singles out already would I be correct in assuming that there is an album coming?
Tommy : The albums going to drop October 25th, we have this song ‘I Am The Wolf’ coming out on April 23rd and then the next single ‘Money, Sex and God’ comes out in May, after that there is another one coming called ‘High On You’ and another after that so we are just loading it up. The record has been done for five years. It’s pretty amazing, I have so many songs, I think I have five records worth of songs which is great.
Andrew : Your guitarist Anna Cara is an amazing young talent, did she play on the singles to date?
Tommy : Unfortunately she didn’t. The guy that played all the guitar on that song is Tommy Denander, he is a great guitar player and Anna can play that stuff note for note which is great and her being this nineteen year old kid from Newcastle, New South Wales. She is amazing, I found her on Instagram. Everyone else I found through friends and I wanted to have youngish people in the band. Getting Chris Wyse as a bass player was amazing as I need someone that could hold it down. That was an easy one I just called up Chris and said do you wanna do this thing or what and he was like I would love to do it..
Andrew : Chris is a great player, I first really came across him when he was playing in Ace Frehley’s band. You have Sam Bam in there as well and he is an amazing young player.
Tommy : Sam Bam is amazing, he is very good. We have a girl called Tuesdai on the drums and she plays just so solid, she plays like Dave Grohl, she is cool. She is solid, she has that groove and the thing where she just so damn solid and that what I wanted for this stuff.
Andrew : If we go back a little earlier to where you started. I first became aware of you during your stint with Warlock and I don’t actually think that I pieced it all together until you joined Alice’s band. How was that time in your life?
Tommy : Yeah, that’s a long time ago. When I joined Warlock that was actually pretty funny. I was playing around the clubs in New York and this producer said they need a bass player as they were working on “Triumph and Agony” in the studio. People actually think I played bass on “Triumph and Agony” because they put my picture on it and everything but I didn’t play anything because this guy Skyland Dee played on it. When I joined the record was already finished. When I got the call to come down to the studio Doro was like I want you to be in the band, I went home and told my mother and she was like join the band, go do it, go see the world. So I did that, then the manager broke the band up after that tour, that is something that I still don’t understand to this day why he did that as we just had a gold record. Then they had to change the name to Doro and we did another record “Force Majeure”. After that I was out, I wasn’t into it anymore, so I left.
Andrew : You know your first band Ruffkut; I am still desperately looking for a mint copy of the “Fight For The Right” Mini LP on vinyl.
Tommy. : That stuff is so funny, you know I don’t even have a copy of that stuff. You know we made that back in 1984, my brother was the drummer in the band John Roggio was the guitar player and we were doing really well on the East Coast, Tri state area, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island as new were making a good living selling all the clubs out. We almost had a record deal and then just after that the band just broke up. Drugs …. Not on my end but someone elses (laughs).
Andrew : You were in War and Peace with Jeff Pilsen as well, what a band that was. Do you still stay in touch with him?
Tommy : Thank you yeah, that was a great band. All the time, even though we don’t talk everyday I still consider him one of my best friends, he is a great guy. Pilsen is a really talented guy, the best guy actually.
Andrew : Throughout your career you have worn many different hats, writer, player, producer and have been behind the scenes on a bunch of projects. Then to become Alice’s musical director and a member of his band that is a full life.
Tommy : Actually I’m the musical director for the Hollywood Vampires and a member of Hollywood Vampires, I’m not the musical director of Alice. Everyone thinks that I am but it’s Chuck Garrick, I don’t know why that is out there but I never want Chuck to think I’m stealing his thunder. I’m still wearing a lot of hats today and I like it. I like playing bass, I like playing guitar, I like programming, I like writing songs, I like engineering, I love being in the studio and I love actually performing. I’m grateful that I get to do all of it and with my heroes too.
Andrew : Do you write a lot while you are on the road?
Tommy : I try to with Coop, we do some Vampires stuff. I try to bring my little road rig out with me but you have to be in the mood to record on the road. You have to deal with being jet lagged, tired and travelling so it can be tough because all you want to do is go to bed. When we do it’s great though. I recorded for the last Hollywood Vampires on the road. I recorded most of Alices vocals on that record in hotel rooms, people don’t even know that, they think he is in the studio spending a lot of money when he is actually sitting on a couch delivering his vocals. People laugh when they hear that’s how we did it.
Andrew : How many time have you been to Australia with Alice now?
Tommy : I believe this has got to be four to five time now.
Andrew : Will we see CROSSBONE SKULLY here in the near future for a run of shows?
Tommy : Of course I want to try and get CROSSBONE SKULLY here, this is a great place for Skully, it’s a great rock n roll country. It would be amazing to come out and play. I would love that more than anything. We are trying right now after this Cooper tour to do some shows with Skully at the end of the year. We will set up a rehearsal and try to do eight shows at the end of the year. That’s the goal right now. We will see what happens next year. There’s a lot of good things going on.
Andrew : Have you debuted Skully live anywhere yet?
Tommy : No not yet because it’s want to do a whole tour, a proper full tour. A let’s get in a van and go somewhere. If I’m in a van I want to be opening up for Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, that’s where I want to be; that s actually the goal. We will get there. Its slow and steady and that’s how its been going which is fine with me as long as its not declining I’m happy with it.
Andrew : With each song for me the whole Skully journey to date has taken me somewhere new, it has depth and variety and has kept me super engaged.
Tommy proceeds to show me the next few clips and previews the upcoming singles which is super kind.
Tommy : So we have video’s done for almost every song on the album, the thing for me is if we aren’t touring I wanted to keep content coming so people when we do get around to playing shows they know exactly who is in the band and what to expect.
Andrew : I know we must be getting close on our time being up but I just wanted to do a quick ten questions with you if that’s OK.
Tommy : Absolutely, not a problem.
Andrew : Favourite album of all time?
Tommy : Peter Gabriel “So”
Andrew : Which song made you want to be a musician?
Tommy : Probably ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ by The Who.
Andrew : First record you brought with your own money?
Tommy : WOW, you are digging deep, I’m trying to remember (laughs). I know the first record my mother brought for me, that was the first Aerosmith record.
Andrew : The last band you listened to?
Tommy : Just recently, I like this band, actually there are a couple of bands I really like. There’s one from Australia actually; The Southern River Band, I like those guys and there is another band called The Feel. I just found those guys on Instagram and went these guys are cool. The Southern river Band, I like those guys, I haven’t seen them live but I like what I see on line and the stuff they put out there and the personality they have and I really like the tracks.
Andrew : What has been the biggest pinch yourself moment of your career?
Tommy : I have had a couple of those, actually a lot of pinch myself moments. Mutt Lang is one of them, Jeff Beck, Johnny Depp, Jimmy Page, Joe Perry, Tony Iommi. There are a lot of those moment where I wish I could just bring my whole neighbourhood with me when I meet those people. There are your heroes the people you grew up with, your idols and all of a sudden you are meeting them. Ronnie Wood is another one of those guys. Peter Gabriel I still haven’t met so he is still on the list and a moment that I hope happens one day.
Andrew : Is there anyone’s presence that has just had you starstruck?
Tommy : People would think it’s someone like Johnny Depp, but when you meet Johnny he makes you feel like he has known you his whole entire life. But starstruck Iggy Pop, or even when I first met Alice. He is just the coolest guy. He is one of the best frontmen who has ever lived and he is a great boss and a great band leader. He goes on stage every night and gives it a 120% and you just watch him. A lot of the stuff I’m doing with Skully I learned from just watching Coop and I always tell him that. I Say Coop check out some of the moves and he replies “You have learned well my son”. When I was doing the whole Skully thing I was like I need a sword. In Johnny Depp’s house he has this Hunter S Thompson sword the Gonzo sword that’s in all the video’s. Johnny was like take whatever you want brother, so I use it all the time. I couldn’t even tell you, that sword is like a one of a kind, only one made and he lets me take the thing everywhere. I’m walking around Hollywood Boulevard in the last video with that damn thing doing that video. That sword is like sharp and real and it’s heavy.
Andrew : CD, Vinyl or Streaming?
Tommy : I hate streaming. I love CD’s still, I don’t own a turntable, but I love holding vinyl and smelling it, there is just something magical about it. Streaming I’m not a fan of it, even though I go and buy records on iTunes, I don’t have a Spotify streaming account. I don’t do that. I buy records still. When I go on iTunes I buy the record. The last thing I brought on iTunes was Molly Hatchets greatest hits. I hear a song and go holy shit I gotta hear that so I brought the album. I also brought Alice Cooper’s “Welcome To My Nightmare” because I don’t have my computer with me so I brought it to add to my phone account. It’s going to Coop anyway (laughs).
Andrew : Favourite thing about Australia?
Tommy : You know what, we mostly come here in the Australian summer time and I like that. This time of the year Fall/Autumn is a little cold and rainy for me. I actually like the people in Australia, I have a lot of friends here believe it or not that I have met over the years and it’s tough to see them much. Although it’s so far and hard to travel to and expensive for everyone. It has to be the people. It’s just cool when you are out there. I have had some great food while I have been here too. I have had some really good coffee this time too. I can’t complain. To be able to get coffee with butter in it and NCT oil, I didn’t know they had this in Australia, it’s typically for me an L.A. thing. What is Australia really know for food wise, what is the signature meal, what is your food? USA is know for it Burgers, what does Australia have?
Andrew : That would have to be BBQ steak I guess.
Tommy : Oh that sounds cool where can I get that?
Andrew : It’s the kind of thing you do yourself, an Aussie home BBQ, grill/cookout I guess. We have our own way of doing that stuff. It’s usually done at someone’s home.
Tommy : I would love that. That sounds cool. Throw a shrimp on the Barbie hey (laughs)
Andrew : We don’t do that (laughs). That was our way of marketing Australia to the USA via Paul Hogan and Fosters Beer who you would know as Crocodile Dundee. Two more quick ones to wrap things up Tommy.
Tommy : Sure thing.
Andrew : Song you wish you had written?
Tommy : WOW there is a lot of them, but the first one that comes to mind is ‘Baba O’Riley’ by The Who. The Who were a big influence on me growing up. Other than that ‘It’s Long Way To The Top’ by AC/DC, every lyric in that song is so true. It still stands to this day. There are so many songs I hear that I go fuck I wish I had of written that one (laughs). When you think about the catalogue of AC/DC alone, every record is good for three or four songs that are going to be timeless.
Andrew : If you could be somebody else for a day, who would it be?
Tommy : I would want to be Johnny Depp for a day (laughs). I have seen the way he lives, I want to be Johnny Depp. I tell him all the time, let me be you for a day and he would always reply “You don’t want that brother” (laughs). Yes I do, I would love to be Johnny Depp for a day, are you kidding me? That would be the best thing ever. Being on Johnny time, is time where there is no time. It’s just Johnny time. Johnny time is way different to even Axl Rose time too, Johnny time, there ain’t nobody on Johnny time (laughs). I love it. I tell him I wish I had your life. He is blessed and cursed, he can’t go out, it’s hard for him to go out. Every time we are in a hotel there are always tons of people hanging around. He will go out though and hang out with them when it’s not too crazy. He is all about talking to the fans and people, he is really good about it. He is the kind of guy that will walk ups to you and hug you.
Andrew : Thank you so much for your time Tommy; thank you for sharing the forthcoming CROSSBONE SKULLY music with me and having a great chat. Thanks for letting The Rockpit into your world too. Lets stay in touch and I wish you all the best for the Alice shows and of course CROSSBONE SKULLY we will be keeping a keen eye on.
Tommy : That’s it, The Rockpit baby !!! Thank you brother, have a great day.