An army of metalheads with a few even sporting full-blown corpse paint. Hardly what anyone expects to see on a Tuesday night, but in Fremantle anything is possible. Especially where the almighty Cradle of Filth is concerned!

With support from Infected Rain who have clearly perfected the craft of getting a crowd going with their unique blend of multiple genres, frontwoman Elena Cataraga was absolutely mesmerizing in both her stage presence and vocal style. Balancing that energy beautifully between the crowd and guitarist Vadim ‘Vidick’ Ojog, drummer Eugene Voluta and bassist Alice Lane, who joined the band more recently. New fan for life right here.

Infected Rain Gallery

Ipswich, Suffolk. One of the oldest towns in the UK with a rich Maritime history, Historical Architecture and boasting several Medieval Churches also bestowed upon the world the absolute pinnacle of dark forces that is Dani Filth. Accompanied by his musical co-conspirators they came armed to the teeth with a setlist that perfectly paid homage to an amazing 30-year musical legacy, ear shattering drum and bass with flawless guitar work to follow, with hauntingly beautiful keyboards and backup vocals from Zoë Marie Federoff, and of course that iconic scream that all Cradle fans have come to know and love over the years. Working the stage to his advantage with dark theatrics, Lord Filth made it quite clear that he is still one of the most charismatic Frontmen in Metal.

Here to promote their latest album Existence Is Futile they did not disappoint in also digging deep down into the musical archives and bringing up the old school Cradle classics such as Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids, Her Ghost In the Fog, From the Cradle to Enslave and of course Fan favourite Nymphetamine Fix.

Serving as a reminder that Cradle of Filth are truly one of the last great original Black Metal bands still out there and showing no signs of slowing down. Sharing the stage with longtime members Ashok, Daniel Firth & Martin Skaroupka with newcomer Donny Burbage the musical and onstage chemistry of this lineup is one of the best I have ever seen of all the times I’ve been to see Cradle live.

Taking a brief intermission for a wardrobe change, the filth quickly returned to the stage to conclude the evenings proceedings and expressing nothing less than absolute gratitude to all who attended. I can only hope and pray that they may plague our shores again soon.

Cradle of Filth Gallery
Photos by Linda Dunjey Photography. With special thanks to Metropolis Touring for the media accreditation.