Red Hill Auditorium, Perth - 30th October 2024

I had time to contemplate my Northern European heritage as I had fought for an early car park at red Hill auditorium. I often feel a disconnect from my roots and a need for ceremony, something I’ve made up on my own along the way but never done collectively with others. I anticipated tonight’s performance by Heilung as fulfilling that need. A kind of healing. There were plenty of capes, feathers and foliage crowns in the audience but enough lower key folk who had obviously been captivated by the primal, universal sound of Heilung.I didn’t have long to contemplate as opening act Eivor began earlier than I was ready for as I hastily navigated the many stairs to the barricade.

Eivors performance was a ritual in its own right. Her music a mixture of electronic, drums and operatic vocals which occasionally switched out to raspy throat singing – pleasing to the metal ears in the audience.

A multi instrumentalist, Eivor enchanted with drumming and electric guitar solos. Her first time in Australia, she was welcomed with open arms.

Evivor Gallery

Before Heilung took to the stage a traditional Noongar smoking ceremony was performed by a member of the community. An important message of legacy and acknowledgement that we’re all vessels on our own journeys was poignant and it was joyous to see two different cultures come together with such unity as a circle formed.

After the blowing of a horn Heilung began their song. Their music is drum heavy with chanting and dramatic vocals. Similarly to Eivor, vocals ranged from operatic to growling throaty roars. It felt foreign in the sense that I’d never witnessed any live act to liken the experience to as well as the language barrier but also familiar in the way their music stirred an emotional response and connection. It was stunning.

The storey telling through dance was visually entertaining and helped form that connection where language could have been a block. Themes of vikings, hunting and war were my interpretation of the stories that took place throughout the night.

It was a feast for the senses, visually captivating with elaborate historical garb and a stage well dressed. The flawless vocals and an array of unusual instruments, foreign to my ears left me wanting to learn more. The choice of venue felt intentional under the stars and surrounded by nature. I think a large part of Heilungs success has been their careful intent with all they do on stage and off.

As I drove back down the hill I was left with a sense of resolve, that our ancient pasts aren’t too far gone. Tonight’s audience was there for connection, music and ceremony. An embracing of cultures, all a part of our healing.

The eastern states are in for the magic as Heilung continue their tour across Australia.

Heilung Gallery

Photos by Caris Bingemann Photography. With thanks to Maric Media for the access.

About The Rockpit 13306 Articles
The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.