They had an opening act and as far as I’m concerned it really doesn’t matter because it was just two guys standing on stage making noise. There was literally nothing interesting about it at all and what i think of it doesn’t matter because at the end of the day, the people who came to see the show seemed to really enjoy it. I’m not knocking the music, but it was like being at home listening to a CD. There was nothing fun about it.
However, the same cannot be said about Lords of Acid. And they’ve been around since the 1980s. They have a very solid following and played to a packed house. It reminded me of the industrial rock shows that i used to attend in the 80s at First Ave. They fit right in with Ministry, Bauhaus, and other popular bands at the time. Industrial rock was very popular in the mid to late 80s and has continued through the years. I met people at the show that had driven five or more hours to see the show. Their fans are very dedicated, and I see why.
They are special though in the respect that I really enjoyed not only the songs but the performance as well. All the band members were engaged with the audience, and they played rock star to perfection. It was a great night of music and took me back to the 80s when you were going out to shows every single night. They are out on tour for i believe a good part of the summer if you get a chance, go check them out. Even if you’re not into the bands that I mentioned and know nothing about this band, Lords of Acid deserve your attention and a chance to make you a fan.