Tonight is the launch of Sisters Doll‘s new single “Don’t Give Up On Us” at the Northcote Social Club and as hinted by the band some very big, exciting news, but before they perform and reveal their news we are treated to the perfect line up to get the crowd pumped.

Jett Rose is the lead singer supported by a 3-piece band. Kyle Tricarico on guitar, Cam Argaet on bass who is filling in for Sergio Strippel and Joe Larwood on drums. Jett Rose has an Avril Lavigne vibe, but at times I heard an Evanescence sound. Her voice is versatile with her style a mixture of Emo, Skater girl, punk pop. With a vocal ranging from powerful, haunting, tortured and full of angst. Jett Rose previously has been part of a Motley Crue tribute band, but tonight was only her third show as Jett Rose herself.

Her mainly original set was full of raw lyrics backed by hard and fast guitar and bass riffs all held together by great drum rhythm. A crowd favourite was the song “I’m Not Okay (Promise)” by Chemical Romance, which they enthusiastically helped sing the chorus. Jett Rose and band have a great stage presence and I would love to see them unleashed on a larger stage. They performed a 7-song set closing with her recently released single “Y.O.U.”
Jett Rose Gallery

Ablaze are the ultimate pub rock party band. They have so much fun on stage that you feel lucky to be part of it. Their joy of playing and singing their music gives off a contagious energy which the audience lap up. Ablaze are a 5-piece band consisting of Danny Slaviero on vocals, Mango on drums, Matt John on rhythm guitar, Ben Anderson on lead guitar and Paris Rowe on bass. Ablaze play hard rock guitar riffs, head banging beats on the skins and they have the coloured haired bass player banging out beer drinking great pub rock.

“Where’s My Drink” with compulsory shots for the band and up close crowd members is a crowd favourite, but I also love “Long Way Home” with Mango on drums sharing the vocals. Their newest single “Menace For The Medicine” is definitely worth a listen. Ablaze were on stage for a 10-song set and left all punters fired up for Sisters Doll. If you love AC/DC or Screaming Jets style of pub rock, then you have to check out Ablaze on Spotify or my preferred method to see them LIVE!
Ablaze Gallery

Welcome to the dollhouse! Sisters Doll are a band consisting of the 3-Mileto brothers, Brennan on vocals and guitar, Austin on guitar and backing vocals and Bryce on drums and backing vocals. Formed in 2010 but they became more well known when they became runners up on “Australia’s Got Talent” in 2016. Tonight is a big night for the band and their loyal followers “The Doll Army ” who have travelled from around Australia for tonight’s gig. This is the launch of their new single “Don’t Give Up On
Us” and they keep hinting at some giant news.

Sisters Doll are a modern version of glam rock, with a big sound and show. Their influences of Kiss and Motley Crue are obvious in their stage presence and music, but they are not a copycat act. They have taken their love of this style and given it their own twist. The brothers are talented musicians and vocalists and to quote a crowd member “not bad on the eyes too”. Sisters Doll is a non-stop action performance with a mind blowing drum solo by Bryce, whose laser light gloves and moving drum kit are a highlight. His beats are laid over samples ranging from Kylie Minogue to AC/DC showing his great showmanship and talent. Austin’s guitar solo is full of heart and grunt with gritty riffs. All topped off with Brennan’s flawless vocals.

Sisters Doll were on for a set of 12-songs and then left the stage to chants of MORE, MORE, MORE. They returned to the stage for the big announcement. Brennan started by saying that Sisters Doll would be no more…………….long pause………….as a 3-piece band they are adding a permanent new member, a bass player, Sage Mileto! Sage is the youngest Mileto brother and they have been waiting for Sage to be the right age to join the band. “We are keeping it in the family”, said Brennan. So the new version of Sister Doll, the 4-piece band, played an encore of 5 more songs. Sage is a great addition to the band and just like his older brothers is as talented and handsome. As an added bonus to their own music the brothers played “Get the Funk Out” by Extreme. The Doll Army sang along to the whole set with loud and strong voices. Sisters Doll’s new album is due to be released on the 24/01/25 with a celebration show on the 25/01/25 in Melbourne at Max Watts, tickets on sale now.

Sisters Doll belong on a big stage. Their backdrop, lighting, sound and performance are stadium ready. I kept thinking to myself that one day I will say I saw Sisters Doll at the Northcote Social Club and people will not believe that I saw them in such an intimate setting. The show closed with “A Good Day To Be Alive” and it was a great night to be at Northcote. These boys are on the brink of making it big. All they need is the stadium to fill.
Sisters Doll Gallery
Photos by Oz Greeny’s Photography