The Astor Theatre Perth, 23rd November 2024

There really is nothing like The Screaming Jets as a live act, and over the years they haven’t diminished sonically at all – they are still up there with the very best. In the scheme of things for me they are, and probably always will be one of Australia’s Top 5 Hard Rock acts (and frontman Dave has fronted one of the others). Tonight the Astor theatre and Perth is in for a real treat as they bring not only their A game they also bring the incredible spectacle that is Mammal and a cool opening set from Perth’s The Wedges.

Openers The Wedges have a great sound – part blustering heavy Sabbathesque riffing, part more progressive Rock. There’s even a dab of early 80’s Gothic that recalls bands like Play Dead and some growls to take us to an interesting new level.  It’s a wonderful set, chock full of great songs and definitely a band I’ll be watching again.

Main support Mammal are a complete revelation, so much raw energy that you can’t help but be carried away by it all. if you’ve heard these guys before then you’ll know what the fuss is about, but until you’ve seen them live it’s hard to describe how they harness the power and unleash it live. Mammal certainly is a must see irrespective of your Hard Rocking or Metallic tastes.

Ezekial Ox is just the sort of unhinged ball of energy that shouts ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll’ with a natty line of headwear, part snake oil salesman, part preacher it’s as if he has to release a certain amount of energy for fear of explosion. With a wonderful album ‘The Penny Drop’ still warm catch them while they’re hot!

The Screaming Jets are of course a force of nature. One of Australia’s greatest hard rock bands I’ve never seen them put on anything less than a great performance. I don’t know what it is about the West but it always seems to bring out the best in the band. It’s only been nine months since their ‘Professional Misconduct’ Tour hit W.A. with three shows and they’re back with a great new set and the same intensity as ever.

Whether you’re a long time fan or newer to the magic, the combination of a great front man and a band that knows how to lay down a groove and wail with the best of them is irrepressible. With a set that mixes the old and the new and some choice covers its hard to find a solitary person in the crowd not singing along to it all.

35 years is a fair old achievement and its great to see Dave throw in an anecdotes from back in those days around a certain Perth girl that inspired ‘Lying With Her’ which tonight comes Country style mid set.

Gleeson and Jimi Hocking share some high jinks and Dave seems to be in a rather affable mood as he literally at points rolls around the stage. Some bands after all this time would be content to trot out the hits in a laid back manner and then come back and do it again. The Jets itchy feet mean that not only do we get a show that’s full of old memories, the new tracks don’t feel out of place either.

As an all ages show we do miss out on a bit of the usual colouful language and a certain song, but all in all it’s all that you love about this band that’s on display tonight. Scott Kingman is as always resplendent in red and the rhythm section is tight as ever.

The whole night is elevated by the sing along crowd who are in it from ‘Needle In The Red’ all the ay to ‘Better’ and ‘Rocking in the Free World’.

This one really is a no-brainer if you’re in Brisbane, Adelaide or Sydney and yet to grab a ticket to the Life Blood Tour then get them got now! Not only do you get the Jets in fine form but you also get the added bonus of Mammal pulling out all the stops and some great local support. It’s a package made in Hard Rocking heaven!

With Special Thanks to Revolutions Per Minute for the media access 



About Mark Diggins 1943 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer