The Externals will release their latest album, Back On The Cans, at the Leopold Hotel in Bicton on Friday, September 6.

It’s no great surprise that The Externals will release their new album, their seventh, 30 years after their first. Just like the military unit of their origin – the elite SAS Regiment based in Perth, Western Australia – the band is edgy, steeped in mystique, and indefatigable. Not widely known, the band have a small but loyal following and get about their business with little fuss or fanfare, in the shadows.

“We’re just a bunch of blokes who enjoy a beer, rock music, and each other’s company,” says vocalist/songwriter, Harry External. “Actually, I would say we are more of a small community having had over two dozen members over the years, and all of us get along like a house on fire.” 

Listen to Back On The Cans here

Harry and co-founder Matt External started the band in 1991 and notwithstanding that both have served on some of the most elite teams and in the most dangerous environments in the world, they both rate their membership of the band as their favourite team.

“Harry and I both love our rock music and over the journey, as we have met different musicians, we have invited them to play with us, members of the SAS and civilians alike.” Matt says. “Anyone who loves good Aussie indie rock essentially… Celibate Rifles, Cosmic Psychos, The Oils.” 

Between them the pair they have served on nearly two dozen combat deployments across 60 years of service. Indeed, it is not too much of a stretch to say this partnership is unique even in the realm of the Australian Defence Force.

“Matt and I met for the first time on a ‘Resistance to Interrogation’ course in 1991,” Harry reminisces. “I had to get up and sing a song to the audience – I was naked with a pillowcase over my head and holding a toothbrush, and I sang the Hawthorn Football Club-song. It’s fair to say I nailed it”, he says, “even Sinatra hasn’t played a gig like that one.  

“That is where the seed was first planted, I reckon, and since then I have written the songs and poured the beer, while Matt has built the relationships and managed the band. He is definitely the mature and grownup one of us both.”  

“We think the album and songs are as good as we have ever been, and we have had a good pre-season too, we are coming into a bit of form at the right time” says Harry, “and our current lineup, of nearly 10 years now, also featuring Nick Frichot, Dave Leach and Tom Kenny is the best we’ve had. We all can’t wait to get out there and fire up.” 

Superbly timed, it’s 30 years since The Externals’ debut release, Dog Beach, and coincides with the SAS Regiment’s 60th anniversary celebrations. The band will tour the album to select audiences and venues across the nation over the coming year. So make sure you brush off the sand and get a can in your hand for some action and adventure.

The Externals ‘Back On The Cans’ – WA Launch Show 

Friday, September 6, Leopold Hotel, Bicton 
with good mates Black Buzzard

Tickets available here
Facebook Event Page 

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.