Blues-based Hard Rock will always be loved by Rock fans of all ages and when one of the greatest proponents of that genre is making music of that kind so infrequently now is there not room for younger bands taking on that sound? For some this will sound too much like AC/DC and they’ll hold their hands up and cry ‘foul’ for others that’s entirely the point – Bonafide play great Blues -based Hard Rock but it’s music not just based on a love of those antipodean legends because there’s Humble Pie and Led Zeppelin in there too…
Let’s dig right in! ‘Are You Listening’ the track that opens Bonafide’s 8th studio album of the same name wields a big. dirty riff that AC/DC probably trademarked in the mid-70’s but it has a melody sat atop in finest Airborne style – if you don’t look too deeply there’s a certain derivative nature to their style but worn proud on the sleeve and if it sounds so good does that really matter? I mean it even starts with a hummed intro that kina of echoes ‘Thunderstruck’ but to me that is all part of the package.
‘Hero To Zero’ that follows starts off with a bluesier riff, it’s a slower one but the intonation of the lyrics can only be one band. It’s a great song and in reality t’s all good stuff, songs are on point and if your like AC/DC and more particularly the songs they don’t make anymore then you’ll love this… In truth the album continues in the same vein – catchy Blues based hard rock with a few surprises thrown in and if you’ve liked what these guys have put out before then like me you just might find this one rating very highly indeed.
One of my favourites ‘Salvation’ comes next has far more swing and a nice groove with a cool chorus, whilst ‘Who’s the Boss’ sounds like vintage Angus at play, it’s faster and really gets that head banging. The rest of the album is equally as good. Hard, fast, dirty Rock and Roll that is both catchy as hell and sounds like it was recorded live, which Pontus confirmed in our upcoming interview it was.
There are a few surprises too. The first of which is ‘Snacket’ the latest single (which Pontus tells us is very ‘Malmo’) it’s a song that is sung in Swedish and a duet that features well-known Swedish Folk singer Nisse Hellberg from Wilmer X. It’s also a sure fire winner – a great driving Rock and Roll song.
The remainder of the album hits the same high notes. I love the almost Motorhead pace of ‘Dealt a Bad Hand’ (a real favourite) and the contrast of the slow crawl of ‘Rumble’ which goes down a treat before the slow and assured ‘Tonight I’m Wild’ which might be the most melody-laden track here.
We close with a couple of killer tracks, first the huge stomping groove of ‘Tommie Nine Fingers’ before the last word goes to ‘Little Miss Mistreated’ which just takes you back to the days when Rock and Roll was so much simpler and living was easy. Sure it might sound a little AC/DC but only in the most positive way. If you love great Rock and Rol then you’ll love this. It’s yet another winner from Bonafide.
In short if you love Blues based Rock and Roll, great songs, beautifully executed, with big riffs and melodies to echo in your head all night long? The answer is Bonafide…
8 / 10