The atmosphere at Marvel Stadium was electric on this mid thirty degree day. Melbourne you turned the weather on for this show. Unfortunately I didn’t get to catch the Cosmic Psychos do their thing but in true punk rock style I heard they delivered a killer set and were their usual entertaining selves.
I did however get to see The Pixies, who delivered a killer set of fourteen surf/punk rock songs. There are so many hits by this band that linger in your psyche, ear worms that have burrowed themselves in your mind, choruses that catch and you can’t help but sing or hum along to. The first of these “Here Comes Your Man” was second song in and the most instant I know this song moment.
The band is extremely tight and the years together prove this. Black Francis is such a great song writer and really was a huge influence on many bands that became superstars like Nirvana and no doubt tonight’s main attraction Pearl Jam. New addition in bass player Emma Richardson seemed like she had been there for years. The band are simply of fire guitarist Joey Santiago is just a master at his craft and deliver his iconic riffs, solos and melody lines flawlessly all be it the occasional minor pedal board issue. Drummer David Loveringnis a head down ass up drummer who locks into his parts with precision.
These guys deliver songs and stories in their own way. While not huge on energy they truly did let their music do the talking. It was great to hear a handful of songs from the “Doolittle” album that introduced me to the band back in 1990. For me “Doolittle” was their finest work, it was a short sharp album in a time where bands were more interested in how much they could fit onto an album time wise. the fifteen track, thirty eight minute record was on repeat for quite some time as still remains one of those essential albums from that time.
Featuring four songs from the band latest offering ‘The Night The Zombies Came’ now has me wanting to really check out this release. In typical The Pixies fashion the songs are catchy, familiar but all so fresh. Rounding out tonight’s set was a cover of The Jesus & Mary Chains “Head on” which was a real treat. The Pixies delivered an amazing set and seeing them in this size and get the reaction they did was incredible. A great set from a truly under rated band. But big you know you know and you knew before hand.
Setlist: Cactus, Here comes Your Man, Where Is My Mind, Motorolla, Mercy Me, Chicken, The Vegas Suite, Gouge Away, Debaser, Wave Of Mutilation, Monkey Gone To Heaven, Hey, Caribou, Head On
Pearl Jam took to the stage at around 8:20pm and the opener of “Why Go” simply set the tone for tonight and the cheers from the crowd were incredible, this is how you engage 50 000 people in three minutes. It’s amazing how twelve years between visitors can be forgotten in an opening chord.
The 25 song set tonight spanning the bands entire was a great experience, never really knowing what a Pearl Jam set list will look like it was great to hear their career given some love but the heavy lifting came from the ‘Ten’ album with six slots, much to my surprise ‘Vs’ only got one bit of love from “Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town” which followed on from “Why Go”.
Vedder commented to the crowd that tonight that he was wearing shorts not for the sake of being nostalgic but because it was fucking hot. “Given To Fly” features some incredible visuals on the massive screens as it became evident that whatever nerves or stage nerves Mr Vedder had were long gone. He had settled in well and truly and was front, centre and present. Vedder continued to open up to reveal himself in stories, expressions of gratitude.
Having never seen Pearl Jam live other than videos I was completely taken back by just how cool and humble a human Eddie Vedder is as a human. At times he seemed nervous and uncomfortable addressing an audience. But he spoke with genuine love, passion and that connected him to every person in Marvel Stadium on some level whether. I love a good story between songs and Vedder in his
Guitarist Mike McCready is this bands true rockstar, he has an incredible energy and presence. From rockstar poses, running circles of the stage to playing some of the tastiest solos I have heard I began to realise just how crucial he is to the Pearl Jam sound as is Stone Goddard who I had always figured to be the key guitar contributor. His role did not go unnoticed. The guy has a mean and incredibly tight right hand when it comes to playing those rhythm guitar parts. Speaking of rhythm Matt Cameron is a beast of a drummer just so locked in and the pairing of him and Jeff Ament is simply glorious. Ament spent much of the night at the rear of the stage simply locking into each and every song.
It only took six songs into set for this years “Dark Matter” album to get some love and the integration of ‘React, Respond’, ‘Dark Matter’ into the back catalogue made those songs seem like they have always been there despite being so new. To break things up we were treated to a Mike McCready guitar solo and it was in this moment that his Van Halen ‘Eruption’ inspired solo showed the true proficiency of McCready as an understated shredder. The smile on my face was only contained by the fact that my jaw had dropped to the floor. “Wreckage” followed on still visiting the “Dark Matter” material.
That opening riff to “Even Flow” never gets old. The reaction and energy that it commands is simply magic and judging by how commandingly the crowd sang it back to the band, the band simply seemed overwhelmed. Hearing that many voices sing your own words back to you with such power must be incredibly special every-time. This was truly the first moment that everyone took to their feet and went into overdrive. Pearl Jam are another one of those band that have simply become cross generational, kids were with parents and this is the thing I love about bands and shows like this. It proves that music is bonding, timeless and precious. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to share across generation’s and how it connects us all in one way or another regardless of gender, race or belief. Music is life, music is love. That sentiment was given a huge nod to tonight by Vedder.
“Jeremy” is one of those songs that carries such emotion and so deep lyrically. It’s another opportunity for all in attendance to be in full voice. Vedder coming out and performing acoustically showed another side to the frontman that I wasn’t aware of. Vedder has a charity that supports EB Research, Epidermolysis Bullosa, a devastating and life-threatening genetic skin disorder. Tonight he called onto stage former AFL superstar and Brisbane Lions legend Jonathan Brown onto stage to make mention of the dedication both of them have for finding a cure for EB. Referring to Brown as “my mate Browny” it was clear that these two have united in a very special way.
“Wishlist” and “Not For You” were delivered perfectly in such a stripped back arrangement. My appreciation for this band just escalated as there is a beauty in these songs that hits hard live. “Mind You Matter” and “Porch” ramp things up again and closed out tonight’s main set. There were song that still had to be played, but Pearl Jam do things differently and we were set up for an incredible run home. Whether it be two or ten songs they simply go with the flow.
Tonight’s eight song encore features two of the bands biggest and most recognisable sing along anthems. Who would have ever thought that the grunge era would give us anthems and songs that everyone would know every single word to. It’s been three decade since we were treated to “Alive” and “Better Man” and I swear that every single voice including mine sang every word as if on auto pilot to these songs. Hearing a full Marvel Stadium at full voice is just something that needs to be experienced.
“Rockin in The Free World” was so much fun and Vedder and McCready ran the span of the stages wings connecting even further with the fans. To close out a night with a beside in “Yellow Leadbeater” is brave and different, but this is everything that Pearl Jam are, no boundaries, no rules just rock n roll done their way. The encore highlight for me was “State of Love & Trust” a song I simply adore and never thought I would get to hear live. What a treat.
As a matter of difference during the encores starting with “Alive” Marvel Stadiums house lights were pushed up and simply seeing and hearing the arena in a raw state in full voice was chilling and just so perfect. There are moments in life that can’t be grasped by words only, mobile phone footage doesn’t even come close to setting the tone, you have to be there to fully comprehend.
Setlist: Why Go, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Given to Fly, Hail, Hail, Corduroy, React, Respond, Dark Matter, Mike McCready Solo Wreckage, Garden, Even Flow, In My Tree, Running, Jeremy, Wishlist, Not for You, Mind Your Manners, Porch
Encore: Just Breathe, Inside Job, Do the Evolution, Better Man, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Rockin’ in the Free World, Yellow Ledbetter
Photos by Shot By Slaidins Photography
With thanks to Nicole Hart at Revolutions Per Minute and Live Nation for the media accreditation.