Drone. The word itself conjures the image of a bleak, desolate – dare I say – grim landscape, one covered in lakes of tears and forests of trajedy. In the middle of this forsaken purgatory exists the crushing bleakness that is Canadian post-black metal, shoegaze band HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE. Like their namesake, this pentagonal conglomerate of musicians vomit forth a soundtrack befitting the insanity that is mankind.
Immerse yourself in their brand new EP, Embrace, and pray to your false gods that you come out the otherside mentally and physically unscathed.
‘Embrace’ is set to release Sept 15th via CDN Records.
Pre-Order available HERE
1. Visions
2. Embrace
3. Blossom
4. The Colour Returns
Hell is Other People is a Canadian metal band formed in 2014. Building on a foundation of a bleak, droning atmosphere, Hell is Other People juxtapose elements of post black metal and shoe gaze to create an atmosphere that teeters between serene endearment, and crushing bleakness. Based in Windsor, On, HIOP consists of Brandon Gruber (Saudade), James Ditty (ex Slaughterhouse on the Prairie), Geoff Haynes (ex Harbinger), Mat Lemmon (Corprophemia), and Nathan Boots (ex Burial Surface, Existential Dissipation).
Building on a foundation of a bleak, droning atmosphere, Hell is Other People juxtapose elements of black metal and shoegaze to create an atmosphere that teeters between silence and chaos.