What a devastating album from start to finish this is absolutely crushing! “Urn” is so well crafted with epic songs that I don’t know where to start. This band has really opened the eyes of the metal scene here with it’s unique way that they can only create and I’m sure this album would smash anything and give them the break they deserve in this rewarding but hard industry.
So Urn is a step above anything else if their last album was a sign of things to come. This one here surpasses everything they had done before, when you hear songs that are like 8 or 9 minutes long you must pay attention. I don’t know what to call this, I don’t really want to label them as they play so many styles from death metal to the most epic sounds. Especially that violin that comes in and out of the picture anytime it likes, the enchanted voices floored the room as well. There’s so much going here, its’ a total procession of sounds and riffs, the vocals are like a dose of morphine being addictive, everything is addictive and you want more. For the fans of this band they will be delighted about this album as it is a total masterpiece, the reaction so far has been amazing and by the looks of things it is opening a lot of doors for this band and their hard work is finally paying off.
When you hear songs like “Intra Venus” I haven’t experienced nothing like this before, this is like Dream Theater on steroids. This music is so complex and so much creativity is flooding and this album is an ocean of deepest sounds and intricate melodies, I myself was not convinced about listening to this album but once I got to hear it I just couldn’t believe my ears and all what was going on. I was left speechless and numb at the same time, especially when the first two tracks “Libera part I” and “Libera part II” just smash what’s in front without any warning. From then on the bar was set really high and the rest of the album is nothing but a total journey to the world of Ne OBliviscaris.
But after hearing Eyrie one of those songs that is totally mind blowing and so explosive and beautiful, there’s no words to really describe this piece of music as the journey takes you to places where only the mind can take you. The growling and the clean singing are like a heaven and hell, a demigod and a devil, an evil and angel entity, you can’t just pass this song but not everything is around this track as the remaining tracks leave a trail of devastation. The sound is crystal clear and when you have everything going at 200km per hour and to mix all that and come out with a sound where you can hear everything and still be brutal and extreme and at the same time totally majestic, that is an album that must not be missed. I swear you won’t be disappointed, just keep your eyes peeled and listen with total attention as this really deserves your attention, get ready for the journey because is a exhilarating one where you won’t look back after you hear this milestone.
Libera (Part I) – Saturnine Spheres
Libera (Part II) – Ascent of Burning Moths
Intra Venus
Urn (Part I) – And Within The Void We Are Breathless
Urn (Part II) – As Embers Dance In Our Eyes