Danny Vaughn of Tyketto launches PledgeMusic campaign to fund first solo album in 11 years

“Myths, Legends & Lies”

Longtime friend of the Rockpit Danny Vaughn recently launched a PledgeMusic campaign to fund his first solo album in 11 years titled “Myths, Legends & Lies.” It’s exciting news for fans who loved his last outing “Traveller”, and those who, like us, have watched the re-birth and rise and rise of Tyketto over the last few years. This project though proves to be something a little special and we’ll be catching up with Danny over the next few weeks to talk about it… So get on the site and get Pledging! Who needs a label when the fans are with you!



It’s hard to believe that it’s been eleven years since my last solo album, “Traveller”, was released. I have wanted to record another album for a long time now but many things have gotten in the way. The biggest obstacle has been myself. Maybe I lost confidence in my writing skills? Maybe I got bogged down with other projects and tours? Maybe I watch too much Netflix? I’m not certain what the big holdup was. I think I was a little bit afraid to set that big wheel in motion again. A lot of things have to happen before you finally get that small plastic disc in your hands.

I have been planning “Myths, Legends & Lies” for a very long time. Those of you who know me will know that with every album I release, either on my own or with Tyketto, there is always a song or two that is a little left of center of the AOR melodic rock I am known for. Over the years I have written dozens of these strange and wonderful creatures that I have come to regard as my orphans, because it’s tough to find a home for them. My dream was to, one day, round them all up and put them in a house together. And here we are.

“Myths, Legends & Lies” is about storytelling. It chronicles my travels through the world, both real and imagined and it’s populated by Gods and heroes, kings and derelicts, gun slingers and card sharps, sailors and cyborgs all telling their tales of life, injustice, love and murder. It’s acoustic, it’s electric, it’s blues, it’s rock, it’s cinematic, it’s eclectic. I’m so excited that I finally get to share it with you.

I’m also very excited because this will be my first venture in partnership with PledgeMusic. PledgeMusic is a relatively new but highly successful concept that is, I think, the future of recorded music. Instead of an artist putting out an album and hoping against hope that you come across it in cyberspace or in one of those fast vanishing music shops out there, it’s a direct line between the artists and the fans where your pledging support for a project in advance is what makes the project possible in the first place. In essence, you are the record company.

How that works is: on my Pledge page I am going to offer you a variety of goodies in various bundles for you to choose from. Have a look at the store page for everything that’s on offer or have a gander at the video to see just how far off the rails I have gone. All pledgers will receive “Inside Access”. That means that I will be making video and audio updates to the pledge page all through the process of creating this album that only pledgers will get to see and hear. I’m taking you along for the ride with me. You’ll be behind the scenes for the entire process and you will be the first to hear the new music when it is finished. And there is so much more. Check out the goodies on my Pledge page! They will include some exclusive Tyketto memorabilia that no one else has.

The songs are ready, the musicians have been booked, the Travelodge awaits and the recording begins on January 26 th, 2019 in a quiet little studio in Wales. All I need now is you.

The Pledge campaign begins now so that I can raise enough funds to get started in the studio for January. The release date of the album and the fulfilment of most of the pledges will be in the beginning of June, 2019. The delay is only because I still have a number of live touring commitments to do this spring with both Tyketto and The Ultimate Eagles. This album is a real labour of love for me and as each day goes by I get more and more excited about it. I am so grateful to you for your support and your patience and I’m really excited that we are going to all be doing this together.


About Mark Diggins 1956 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer