Edan H release single/lyric video ‘Down in Flames’

Edan H


Back to Eden guitarist/bassist/songwriter Edan Hoy has returned, this time under the moniker of Edan H.

Hailing from Melbourne/Australia, the solo artist now puts his stamp on the Melodic Hard Rock genre with a brand new project. The first single Down in Flames is a conceptual offering, loosely based on the controversial artworks of Luis Quiles.

Featuring guest musicians from around the world, including Outloud/Punky Meadows front man Chandler Mogel (USA), Edan H certainly puts the ‘Melodic’ in ‘Hard Rock’.

Down in Flames out May 5. Available on all major digital platforms, or download it for FREE from the Edan H website: www.edanhmusic.com




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