OFF THE RECORD: Josh Todd – Buckcherry


We had time when we spoke to Josh Todd earlier this year to slip in a few ‘Off the record’ questions  – Regrets, guilty pleasures and great advice? It’s all here…

Mark: If you could Tour with any band, past or present who would you like to get out on the road with?

Josh:  Well we’ve toured with a lot of our heroes, but past I’d love to play with Prince and James Brown, I really admire those artists. I think that would be a fun collection of bands. It’s hard for e though because I try to get into new Rock, but I don’t hear anything that’s, I don’t know, that moves me you know that’s got all those elements that I need. So I listen to a lot of Hip-Hop right now, but I always go back to the old artist because they’re great, they got Soul. I just go with whatever feels right you know.

Mark: I think especially when you go back to the 70’s and you listen to a lot of artists from there it seems so much more ‘free’, so much more experimental, like no one had written the rules yet?

Josh: There was much more dynamics between artist, you know, and it’s weird you know, even the 1990’s had all these amazing front men – you had Chris Cornell and Kurt Cobain and the list goes on, Layne Staley and Eddie Vedder, it was amazing you know and then the whole 2000’s have just kinda been faceless and I’m not saying that to bitch, there were a lot of bands that came out and were doing their thing, but as far as the average person goes, Rock just isn’t in the mainstream and I think that’s for a reason. I mean I put on Rock radio I the States and it sounds like one song for 45 minutes and I think that’s the problem for Rock music and the reason why it’s not recognised at awards ceremonies anymore: It’s because it’s just bland, it’s PC as far as the lyrical content, it’s not dangerous anymore.

Mark: You make a good point there, there are just a handful of great albums over the last ten years I keep going back to and as time goes by those numbers keep getting smaller and smaller. You’re right Rock should get dangerous again! That’s what we need to kick it back into life.

Josh: Yeah!

Mark: What’s the best bit of advice you’ve been given over the years?

Josh: You know what, I think Steve Jones told me. When I was young I was so aggressive live, with my physicality and it would make me really winded when I would sing, you know, and he said “You need to settle down a little bit and get on that mic, and sing into that mic” And that I think taught me a lot I learnt that sometimes less is more and dynamics live is an art. That and get a good attorney to look at anything you sign (laughs)

Mark: Get a good attorney people! You mentioned that you listen to a lot of Hip-Hop at the moment, and we won’t go into that area as that sounds kinda cool, but do you have a guilty musical pleasure? One that people might not expect?

Josh: I listen to a lot of Pop music with my kids, and I’m a huge fan of Pop music so I guess that would be my guilty pleasure. I like great songs and I’m a vocalist so I like vocally driven songs, and tat’s Pop music and so is Hip-Hop so that’s what I gravitate towards. And I’m so fascinated with Hip-Hop music right now because they build the song vocally, it’s all with vocal hooks, and that’s really interesting to me as it’s so hard to do and it’s really clever how they’re doing it.

Mark: Is there anything you wished you’d got to in the first 20 years or anything you’ve set your sights on in the next 20?

Josh: I don’t like to look back and have regrets I really feel like everything is a learning process, so there’s been a lot of peaks and valleys and a lot of it was frustrating, and if I had of known then what I know now the maybe I would have done things a little differently of course, but it is what it is and I’m grateful for everything I have and so that being said, in the future I just want to continue to grow spiritually and as a singer and a song-writer ad I feel I’m doing that all the time I want to evolve and I want to grow our fan base and that’s all I’m interested in. I just want to continue to write great records.


Buckcherry / Hardcore Superstar / Bad Moon Born October 2019 Tour Dates

Tuesday October 08 PERTH, Rosemount Hotel
Wednesday October 09 ADELAIDE, The Gov
Friday October 11 MELBOURNE, Max Watts
Saturday October 12 BRISBANE, Zoo
Sunday October 13 SYDNEY, Metro



Buckcherry & Hardcore Superstar Australia tour 2019

About Mark Diggins 1956 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer