While the concept of pain is universal to all living beings, the understanding of phantom pain is one that eludes most. Gravemind‘s vocalist Dylan Gillies-Parsons channeled the imagery of the experience into the band’s emotionally brutal new song. “To me, Phantom Pain is the result of not being able to comprehend how anyone could bring life into the world, and then not do everything in their power to ensure that soul is taken care of. I believe we can only ever be responsible for ourselves – no one asked to be born, and we are all the masters of our own universe – however I can’t find love for those who create life, consciously or accidentally, and then falter without recompense.”
Like a spectre that lurks in the shadows, emotional trauma can wait in silence for years before it rears it’s head again. Much like the literal experience of phantom pain, being able to connect the path between reality and the sensation, for every one of us requires an individual journey. “During writing, I was dealing with a lot of issues I thought had been put to bed a long time ago. The pressure of this album, and life in general at the time made it impossible to float above some of the emotions I was feeling. In writing songs like Phantom Pain, I was able to catch my breath, reflect, and let these stories find their rightful place. Some songs on this album took longer to make than others, but when I heard what Damon was writing, the lyrics literally wrote themselves in one evening, with little to no change.”
Gravemind’s debut album Conduit will arrive this July via Greyscale Records, with pre-orders now available HERE.
A week ago across Australia, strange letters began to appear in letterboxes with images of a ghostly home, and teasing the obscure words ‘Phantom Pain’. They became the hot topic of more than a few social media posts with some scratching of heads, and some super sloothing from die hard fans to figure out it was Gravemind teasing the release of this single and the haunting video attached. This album has been such an intense labour of love for the five-piece, that they have ensured every step of the release has been thoroughly planned out with twists and turns along the way.
As Dylan explains, Conduit is exactly what the title would suggest; a form of both release and understanding of the human existence. “Early on in the lyric writing for Conduit, I was adamant on writing some songs that were reflective of some of the darkest parts of my life. Not as a bid for attention, but to resolve some personal demons, and show that the weight of your past doesn’t need to dictate your future. I wanted to show that it was ok to be vulnerable, and in letting down your walls, you aren’t weaker, but stronger for yourself and those around you.”
Gravemind return to their original stomping ground of Tasmania with label mates Alpha Wolf this July before being part of the massive line-up for Greyscale Records’ 2019 Showcase.
Conduit is coming.
Greyscale Records present
‘FAULT’ In Tasmania w/ Gravemind
FRI 28 JUN – Brisbane Hotel, Hobart 18+
SAT 29 JUN – Pub Rock Diner, Devonport 18+
Greyscale Records present
Saturday 10th August
Corner Hotel, Melbourne 18+
Doors 7:30pm