Melbourne’s M0DAL1TY are today releasing a beautifully crafted and shot, but ultimately intense and atmospheric video clip for their new single ‘Redemption’. The new single will see its release Friday June 28 into all digital stores and streaming platforms at http://ffm.to/m0dal1ty_redemption.
M0DAL1TY creatively approached this track from a new direction – and it debuts the vocals of bassist and co-lead singer Alicia Richards. ‘Redemption’ was recorded and produced by the band, drums were recorded at Ginger Recording Studios and it was mixed and mastered by Clint Vincent of Dead Letter Circus. This is M0DAL1TY’s second film clip – and was again filmed and produced by Dave Hunter of Circles, and continues the storyline from their first video and single ‘END 0F THE L1NE’, which when released had a natural reach on social media of over 12,000 views in 24 hours.
The lyrical themes of ‘Redemption’ depict the internal struggle of someone learning to take responsibility for their actions, which affect both the individual and the world around them. It sheds light on the bigger picture and encourages one to take action for change, before damage is irreversible.
‘Redemption’ opens with a shot of the female protagonist (played by Paige Roberts) falling through a void. She wakes up in an eerie forest that is unfamiliar and ominous, unsure of what is going on and what is real. She soon finds herself being pursued by agents, who represent the relentless bad in the world. As the clip progresses, we see the protagonist empower herself and make a stand against the agents. Then, despite having this empowering moment where she destroys her demons, it is unclear
whether the damage that has been done will allow her to ever be the same again.
The band will also join forces with Circles, Ebonivory, Transience and Red Lotus at Belgrave’s Sooki Lounge for Winter Progmania on Friday August 2, presented by Wild Thing Presents. Tickets are on sale now at wildthingpresents.com. Established in 2018, M0DAL1TY is a five-piece progressive rock/metal band from Melbourne, Australia. With vocalist Nigel Jackson, Sean O’Grady and Jarrah Bathe on guitars, Alicia Richards on bass and vocals and Adam Zaffarese on drums.
Featuring two lead vocalists, Nigel Jackson seamlessly moves between melodic passages and screams, which are juxtaposed by Alicia Richards’ clean vocals. All of these elements come together to balance ambient and intricate guitar lines against big riffs with punchy drums, and weave together complex time signatures and unique rhythms.
M0DAL1TY played their debut show to a full room in January 2019 at PROGFEST Melbourne, supporting world-renowned progressive heavyweights such as Monuments, The Ocean and Skyharbor.
M0DAL1TY’s new single ‘Redemption’ will see its release this Friday June 28 into all digital stores and streaming platforms at http://ffm.to/m0dal1ty_redemption. Tickets are on sale now for their show supporting Circles at Winter Progmania at Belgrave’s Sooki Lounge on Friday August 2 at wildthingpresents.com.