ALBUM REVIEW: Blacktop Mojo – Under The Sun

Release Date: September 13th 2019

Blacktop Mojo - Under The Sun


Of all the fine independent bands out there are the moment I don’t think there are any better than Blacktop Mojo, a band we’ve been championing since we first heard them. This year things have just gotten so much better with the release of ‘Under the Sun’ an album that just might be their finest work to date surpassing eve the brilliant ‘Burn the Ships’.

Opening track ‘Lay it on Me’ is a Great song. People use the word ‘Great’ to easily these days. This is the sort of song that means something and it’s built on a riff carved from solid rock!  It’s a song that soars. It’s a song that could be one of the very best you’ll hear all year.

The remainder rock almost as hard, and saying that in these circumstances is remarkable. ‘Set it Free’ is nice and heavy – another huge song constructed around another huge riff, next up  ‘Come Get Your Coat’ (sounds like these Texan’s have some English humour) has an almost grungy taste to it, whist ‘Keep’ conversely sounds like the NWOBHM heavyweights are being channeled – man it’s huge – and Priest would sound fine and dandy belting out this tune.

The change of pace comes with the Blues-fired ‘It Won’t Last’  another cracking song and it’s a this point you realise you’ve half-way in and there’s been no time to breathe. You could well be listening to a modern classic. The proof will surely come in the final 5 tracks!

We’re safe!

‘All Mine Now’ cranks it all up again fr a song that really feels like it will go down great in the live set; that’s followed by ‘Cant Sleep’ which adds a modern Metal flavour that I haven’t heard before in thee hands, but they handle it so well. ‘The Lashing’ drips heavy with Blues it’s the most wonderful of moments here and beautifully constructed. The album closes with the title-track ‘Under the Sun’ which sets itself up a huge ‘early Soundgarden’ rolling riff it’s a song that grows and grows and stays resonating long after the final note.

Some bands just get better and better but the level of progress here is insane! I loved ‘Burn the Ships’ but I know this one will be with me for years.


About Mark Diggins 1956 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer