It’s hard to compare apples with oranges let alone bananas so this year we’re not even going to try. This year our Top 10 Hard Rock albums were picked by some of our contributors to round up what we think is the best of the best.
10. Roxy Blue – Roxy Blue
‘Roxy Blue’ is the sound of a band who has been listening as Rock grew and changed over the past 27 years, and not just listening but enjoying the music they heard. As a result the album might be a jolt for fans – imagine The Beatles had put out ‘Please Please Me’ (their 1963 debut) then hit you with ‘Let It Be’ without hearing anything in between. That’s a bit what this is like. If ‘Want Some’ was 80’s Rock via Van Halen then this is Hard Rock with grunt and melody.
Read the review here | Interview with Todd Poole
9. The Erotics – The Songs Remain Deranged
Nine albums, a couple of compilations and several other releases over a career that spans over 20 years have made Albany’s The Erotics one of the few bands that never disappoints. After last years EP ‘Stuck Between Venus and Mars’ we were promised something special and this is it – 13 tracks (9 new, 4 remastered versions of songs from the EP) plus a bonus cover of Celtic Frost’s ‘Cherry Orchards.’
Read the review here | Interview with Mike Trash
8. The Wildhearts – Renaissance Men
So is this a glorious trip back through the Time Tunnel? A remake of the first glorious ‘Earth Vs.’ debut? There’s an easy answer to that – no. Is is ‘PHUQ #2’ – again no. It’s definitely Wildhearts but 2019 style – a little edgy, rather loud with a little of the mid-period albums about it but certainly no ‘Endless Nameless.’ Is it any good? Well it’s damn good actually thank you for asking.
7. Crashdiet – Rust
Crashdiet in the six years since ‘Playground’ have changed very little except they’ve got a little edge in that time, taking on a more metallic guitar sound that beefs up the songs that still have those wonderful hooks, melodies and riffs. And Keyes is a helluva singer just to add the cherry on top.
6. Blackrain – Dying Breed
When you think of French music ‘Rock’ isn’t normally the first genre that comes to mind, but for over a decade now Blackrain has been delivering the goods on behalf of our Hard Rocking French brothers in arms. So what do we have? A pretty fine album is the short answer, in which Blackrain manage to stay true to their ‘never give in, never compromise’ attitude
5. Michael Monroe – One Man Gang
Michael Monroe’s new album ‘One Man Gang’ is twelve tracks of great Rock and Roll from an artist who seems to defy the odds with each release and just get better and better. ‘One Man Gang’ is better than the wonderful ‘Blackout States’ from 2015, which in turn was better than 2013’s ‘Horns and Halos’ a record that topped 2011’s ‘Sensory Overdrive’ – all albums that made our ‘Best of’ lists for their respective years.
Read the review here | Interview with Michael Monroe
4. The New Roses – Nothing But Wild
The New Roses are one of our favorite bands of the last few years, so it’s great to see a new album after 2017’s wonderful ‘One More For the Road’ which itself swiftly followed a couple of other fine releases: ‘Dead man’s Voice’ (2016) and their fired-up debut ‘Without a Trace’ (2013). We recommend them all of course, but you know what? This one might just be the best of them all
Read the review here | Interview with Timmy Rough
3. Crazy Lixx – Forever Wild
Over the years when a band has produced such an amazing set of albums the first thing that always runs through your head is, where does this new album sit in their catalogue? Is it as cool as their last outing 2017’s ‘Ruff Justice’? Is it up there with the very best? Let’s just say at this stage that we’re in very safe hands.
Read the review here | Interview with Danny Rexon
2. Danny Vaughn – Myths, Legends and Lies
Sometimes you have to have the courage of your convictions, do things your own way, listen to no one but that voice in your head and create something just for yourself. Rarely does that roll of the dice pay off as well as on ‘Myths, Legends & Lies’ an album sweeping in scope and, it has to be said, not exactly what you might expect from the man with the golden voice best known for his work with Tyketto.
Read the review here | Interview with Danny Vaughn
1. Black Star Riders – Another State of Grace
There are just ten songs on the latest from the Black Star Riders ‘Another State of Grace’, now I don’t know about you but I’d take ten great songs over an overstuffed and overblown offering with hints of filler. I must admit I expected a lot of this record based on past performance and I’m quite happy, after living with this for a few days and giving it multiple listens, to draw the long bow and say that this is the band’s finest moment to date.
Read the review here | Interview with Scott Gorham
1. Blues Arcadia – Carnival of Fools (AUS) | review
2. Derek Davis – Resonator Blues (USA) | review
3. The Teskey Brothers – Run Home Slow (AUS)
4. Lloyd Spiegel – Cut & Run (AUS) | review
5. Kenny Wayne Shepherd – The Traveler (US) | review
6. Matt Pearce and the Mutiny – Gotta Get Home (UK) | review
7. Matty T Wall – Transpacific Blues, Vol. 1 (AUS) | review
8. Black Stone Cherry – Black to Blues Vol. 2 (US)
9. The New Savages – Seventh Son (AUS) | review
10. John Black Wolf – John Black Wolf (POR) | review
Notable additions
Samantha Fish – Kill or Be Kind (UK/US)
Beth Hart – War in My Mind (US)
Chistone ‘Kingfish’ Ingram – Kingfish (US)
Tyler Bryant and the Shakedown – Truth and Lies (UK)
Willie and the Bandits – Paths (UK)
Mississippi Nova – Mississippi Nova (US)
Annika Anderssen & The Boiling Blues Band – Reborn (SWE) *To be reviewed
Matt Andersen – Halfway Home By Morning (CAN)
Big Daddy Wilson – Deep In My Soul (US/GER)
Wily Bo Walker and Ed Brayshaw – The Roads We Ride (UK)
Hat Fitz & Cara – Hand it Over (AUS)
Plus a special mention too to Rory Gallagher’s collection ‘Blues’ which as a compilation didn’t make this criteria for the list but is a great release for those who love the genre
1. Warbirds – Order from Chaos | Review
2. Electric Mary – Mother | Review
3. The Babes – Dive Bars & Muscle Cars | Review
4. Echo Del Tusker – Words to Live By | Review
5. The Lachy Doley Group – Make or Break | Review
6. Blues Arcadia – Carnival of Fools | Review
7. Buffalo Crows – Picnic At Buffalo Rock | Review
8. Sister Switchblade – Tales and Taboos | Review
9. Mazz XT – Only the Quick and the Dead | Review
10. Jimmy Barnes – My Criminal Record | Review
Notable additions
Amberdown – Four Years
Cold Chisel – Blood Moon
Dirty Rats – End In Tears
Russell Morris – Black & Blue Heart
Snakebite Whisky – This Side Of Hell
1. Rival Sons – Feral Roots (US)
2. Black Star Riders – Another State of Grace (US) | Review
3. The Quireboys – Amazing Disgrace (UK) | Review
4. Down n’ Outz – This is How We Roll (UK)
5. Kenny Wayne Shepherd – The Traveler (US) | Review
6. Alter Bridge – Walk the Sky
7. Sammy Hagar & The Circle – Space Between (US)
8. John Diva & The Rockets of Love – Mama Said Rock is Dead (GER) | Review
1. Blackbird Sons – ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Ain’t Dead’ | Review
2. Before Fire – Before Fire | Review
3. Black Heart Saints – Misery | Review
4. W.A.L.K.E.R. – Bringing Rock Back EP | Review
5. Charm City Devils – 1904 | Review
6. Sam Millar – Holy Sass (EP) | Review
7. Phil X and the Drills – Stupid Good Lookings | Review
8. Hell’s Addiction – V1.0 | Review
9. King Zebra – King Zebra | Review
10. Alice Cooper – Breadcrumbs | Review
11. Kickin’ Valentina – Chaos in Copenhagen | Review
12. L.A. Guns – Another X-Mas in Hell | Review
13. Sin Savage – Sin Savage | Review
14. The Great Affairs: The 2019 Sessions Volume 1 | Review
15. Rough Rockers – Smoke And Mirrors | Review