Danny Vaughn announces another live-streamed, online show

Danny Vaughn


Following his much-appreciated, live-streamed, online show on Thursday 26th March, Danny Vaughn is planning another, at the request of his fans, with whom he’s long built up a close relationship: one, he’s acknowledged, that helped him overcome challenges and hardships, like the PledgeMusic problems last year that put his solo album in jeopardy.

Danny’s track record especially touring with that fantastic new solo album Myths, Legends & Lies, and with Dan Reed for their joint acoustic project Snake Oil & Harmony, has honed his lifelong love of storytelling, song and contact.

“Isolation is not a good state of affairs for performers,” Danny admits, “We’re an odd group because we are outwardly extroverted but inwardly introverted, if that makes sense? But those two opposites make up a balance that is key to who we are.”

“This,” he adds, “would account for why so many singers and performers are putting up videos of themselves right now: singing for us, sending us messages of encouragement or reading us Shakespeare. We’re doing what we always have done: reaching out to the hearts of others.”

Live performance matters to Danny: “For myself, I knew that if I didn’t sing and play for somebody after 12 days in isolation, I would start to climb the walls. So, I set a date and time, boarded the social media train and got the word out — as fast and as far as I could — that a show was coming.

“Last Thursday – for a little over two hours – I sang for and connected with over 600 people from at least two dozen different countries! We exchanged greetings, I told stories, people put in requests and there was an unexpectedly deep feeling of community and solidarity: a success on every level! We aren’t alone and we are in this together.

“The whole thing was so well-received that I have been asked by an overwhelming majority to do it all over again. So here it comes: Thursday, 2nd April — 8pm GMT; 3pm EST; 12 Noon Pacific.

“These performances are free, but to watch you have to have a Facebook account and go to the page Danny Vaughn’s Myths, Legends & Lies.

“Make some good food, get comfortable on your couch, and put me up on your big screen TV! My wife will be manning the laptop, so you can send in your messages, questions, thoughts – whatever you like — and we will see them.”

Danny has valued many things about the gigs. “I need to acknowledge the incredible generosity of so many people who watched me on Thursday,” he says, “These concerts are free, as I say, but so many of you went to my website and made donations that I felt overwhelmed and humbled.  Thank-you for helping me keep the lights on!  I look forward to sharing another evening with all of you on 2nd April! Thank you all so much! Stay well and stay safe.”

Make a date with Danny Vaughn, and if you didn’t catch his lockdown debut, check out the video below where you can watch last Thursday’s concert in its entirety.

Stay safe and hold the line!


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