NEW MUSIC: Phil Campbell announces new album “We’re The Bastards”

Phil Campbell and The Bastards


PHIL CAMPBELL AND THE BASTARD SONS are back in town! The Hard Rock powerhouse from Wales announce their new album “We’re The Bastards” today, to be released on November, 13th via Nuclear Blast!

Singer Neil Starr on the new album: “It’s definitely great to know that we have an audience now. We know there are people that want to hear it, but the truth is that we just had fun with it. Once again, we made the record we wanted to make and it’s been really exciting. It was awesome to take our minds off everything and just concentrate on recording a kick ass album for the fans to enjoy

In celebration of the announcement, PHIL CAMPBELL AND THE BASTARD SONS release the first single ‘Son Of A Gun‘ today, together with an amazing music video. Check it out below.

Phil Campbell about the new single: “We’re really excited to announce the release of our new single “Son Of A Gun”, it will blow your head off!

The album is available as CD, limited digipack including 4 bonus tracks, 2LP Gold, 2LP Sparkle [UK exclusive], digital album, 2 LP Orange/Black Splatter [Mailorder + Wholesale exclusive] and 2LP Black.



1. We’re The Bastards
2. Son Of A Gun
3. Promises Are Poison
4. Born To Roam
5. Animals
6. Bite My Tongue
7. Desert Song
8. Keep Your Jacket On
9. Lie To Me
10. Riding Straight To Hell
11. Hate Machine
12. Destroyed
13. Waves

Bonus tracks [limited digipak]:
14. Big Mouth (Live)
15. Freak Show (Live)
16. Dark Days (Live)
17. Rock ‘n’ Roll (Live)

Pre-order here




Phil Campbell and The Bastards - We're The Bastards

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