Phil X & The Drills release new single ”I Love You’ On Her Lips’

Phil X & The Drills


Phil X needs no introduction, having been an integral full-time member of Bon Jovi since 2016. Phil and his band The Drills recently released their latest single Right On The Money in June 2020. Now they are back with a brand new single “I Love You” On Her Lips, out now via Golden Robot Records.

“I Love You” On Her Lips features Phil X on Guitars & Lead Vocals, Daniel Spree: bass & backing vocal and Gary Novak: drums. Gang Vocals by Steve Ferlazzo, Joe Lester, Matt Starr and Marq Torien (Bullet Boys).

“I Love You” On Her Lips is TOTAL Drills.  A hooky, energetic, big guitar punch in the face with wit & a little silliness.  Everyone knows someone who says one thing & feels another.  This is that with a twist.”
– Phil X

Phil X & The Drills have finished their 5th Album Stupid Good Lookings Vol. 2 which will be released in the near future on Golden Robot Records. Featuring a different drummer on every song which reads like a who’s who with the likes of Tommy Lee, Liberty Devitto, Kenny Aronoff and Ray Luzier, the music promises to be extremely diverse.


Stream/buy ”I Love You’ On Her Lips’ HERE


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