The Seether tour made a stop in Oklahoma City this week, bringing 10 Years and Crobot along to make for a great show. Crobot started things off with a hatching dragon egg and got the crowd going. They kicked off with Electrified then went into Dizzy. That was followed by Gasoline and Better Times. Their high energy set continued with Set You Free then Lowlife. They ended with Holy Ghost and the crowd seemed pleased with the set and would welcome Crobot back.
Next up was 10 Years. They have toured with Seether before. The first time I saw them was opening for Seether in Wichita, KS. Singer Jesse Hasek arrived on stage wearing a white bird-like mask that he kept on for a while. It in not way distracted from his singing and dancing around. 10 Years opened with their hit Novacaine then went into Now is the Time before another hit Fix Me. They were met with favor from the crowd with the next hit, Beautiful. This was followed by Waking Up and Dead in the Water. They played Cut the Cord before The Shift. The next song was where the band began according to Jesse – it was Wasteland and the crowd really go into the song and sang loudly. They finished up with Shoot it Out before leaving the stage.
Seether opened with their hit Gasoline, which starts many of their shows. Most of the times I’ve seen Seether, they started the show with tis song. Seether has been around and successful long enough that their whole set is well known. They played Fine Again next, followed by Driven Under, than Broken. Country Song followed and then a crowd favorite Nobody Praying with always gets the crowd singing the chorus line “Nobody gives a f**k”. Rise Above This came next then Bruised and Bloodied. Truth followed then Wasteland and Let You Down. Words as Weapons Dangerous followed. Then they closed out the set with two big hits – Fake it and Remedy. While it wasn’t the longest set ever, it was a solid as they come – something I’ve come to expect from Seether.