Gwyn Ashton & Friends – Ozrock Against War ‘GET OUTTA TOWN!’

Brand new single for 2022, ‘Get Outta Town’ was recorded with some of Australia’s most prolific musicians and premiered on August 6 on mainstream radio “Triple M Nights with Dave Gleeson”.

Earlier this year a set of lyrics penned by the late Bon Scott surfaced and was presented to a musician friend of Gwyn Ashton’s who had been commissioned by Bon’s widow Irene Thornton to add music to the words for the track to be included in a documentary
movie. Helping out a friend, Ashton picked up a guitar and quickly put together a guitar riff and chords. The label involved then asked him to stop writing it due to copyright issues, so Ashton was left with a melody and music to which he wrote his own set of
lyrics aimed at the current conflict with Ukraine.

Assembling a fine group of Australian musicians consisting Choirboys frontman Mark Gable, Cold Chisel harmonica player David Blight and Superjesus rhythm section Stu Rudd and Travis Dragani, Ashton laid down all the guitar parts and he and singer/songwriter Andea Dawson did the backing vocals. ‘Get Outta Town’ is a powerful protest song with a message, done in the classic Oz Rock vein, raising consciousness not only for the war in Ukraine but for war in general.

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.