Serein - Bring The Sound
Reviews - Music Releases

ALBUM REVIEW: Serein – Bring The Sound

14 April 2019 Mark Diggins

The intro track here ‘Dawn’ that cascades into the hard and heavy ‘Vanity’ of course is superfluous but there’s something likeable about these guys from the off, mixing Metal guitars with Hard Rock vocals and […]

Resurgence - Voices
Reviews - Music Releases

ALBUM REVIEW: Resurgence – Voices

7 April 2019 Daz

  Hailing from suburbs of New South Wales, Resurgence are a five piece band who have recently released their debut album titled Voices. I had never heard of this band before so I was looking […]

Reviews - Music Releases

ALBUM REVIEW: The Quireboys – Amazing Disgrace

3 April 2019 Sean Bennett

  After a tumultuous 8 months which has involved lock-up break-ins with personal items, instruments & merchandise stolen to being trapped in the Pledge debacle, The Quireboys could be excused for thinking that ‘Amazing Disgrace’ […]

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