Article updated on 11/12/2023

Being a true artist is a great gift and good fortune. But genius is often accompanied by rebelliousness, hot temper and inner demons. Films on 123movies about creators of art are an excellent opportunity to get to know the world of unconventional personalities, to see the gusts of their passions and reflections, to plunge into the world of sketches and canvases.

Werk ohne Autor

The film integrates three periods in the life of Kurt Barnert, whose prototype is the great German artist Gerhard Richter. It is the story of a difficult human destiny blighted by the brutal regime of Nazi Germany. The war deprived Kurt of his native aunt, who instilled in the boy a love of painting. During the postwar years, the young and timid artist starting his artistic journey, trying to find his place in art, but the echoes of a terrible tragedy and a painful past haunt Kurt, taking away peace of mind. Life gives the young genius hope - a real and devoted love, which has become the only light in his existence. But his newfound happiness and inexhaustible passion for painting are helpless in the face of the future.

Big Eyes

Bright and extraordinary artist Margaret Keene captivates a thriving America with her unique style. Her sensual portraits of women and children with huge eyes and penetrating stares are distinctive and bring Margaret high-profile fame and commercial success. The artist's unique talent is put to good use by her husband and appears as the true author of the celebrated paintings. Not withstanding the shameless and brazen lies, Margaret Kean decides to reveal the truth to the audience, declaring her husband a skilled swindler. Will the young artist succeed in defeating the dastardly deception and regaining her copyrights?


The film tells the story of the legendary Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, whose tragic story - a true example of fortitude and courage. In spite of a fateful ordeal, Frida was able to find herself, find her calling and become an iconic figure in the art of the 20th century. The artist, born through suffering, maintained her love of life and faith in people, despite the betrayals of her husband and the cruel mockery of her acquaintances. Frida Kahlo transferred her inner pain into her art, continuing to make fun of it in life and persevering in her conquest of world art.

Girl with a Pearl Earring

A heartwarming story from the life of the brilliant Dutch painter Jan Vermeer. In the home of the secretive and enigmatic painter, the shy and vulnerable maid Griet takes a job. Her irresistible thirst for beauty and her subtle understanding of art and the process of creation of works of art draw Vermeer's attention and excite his soul. The young Griet becomes a devoted muse and model for The Girl with the Pearl Earring, the future pinnacle of Dutch art. The romantic and mysterious atmosphere of the paintings unites the artist and the young girl, and their creative alliance gradually grows into a strong feeling.


Beginning American abstractionist Jackson Pollock, convinced of his own talent, faces the frank misunderstanding of his contemporaries. The artist continues to exhibit in New York City galleries, but viewer ignorance is merciless to the receptive artist. Pollock's life turns into a deep depression and prolonged binges, until an encounter with the talented Lee Krasner brings hope to his heart.

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