This section contains a complete directory of surnames that provides information about the meaning of surnames, collected mentions of surnames in archival sources, search ads and information from users. This section is helpful for anyone who wants to find people fast - for a surname.

Sources of information in this section are genealogical archives, directories, user and expert comments. With the help of this section you can easily and quickly find a person by surname. If he/she is registered, the link to his/her personal account will be available on the search results page; in this case you can add him/her to your friends or send a message.

If you have not been able to find a person by his last name, we recommend you to leave a search ad, in this case, as soon as a person with the last name you are looking for is found, or something about him knows resource users, the system will automatically notify about it, and they can help you in finding people for free.

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A few tips on how to properly search for people online:

Avoid sites that offer to send sms for finding a person. Searching for people for free by last name is a popular topic, but there are plenty of fraudulent resources out there.

Use only proven online resources like Google

If you can't find a person by last name, try expanding your search with additional information - search by birthplace, etc.
Check surname search ad services (such as FamilySpace surname search ads) or the "Wait for Me" project
Check various spellings of last names with misspellings. Don't forget that the last name can change, so it makes sense to look for the maiden name as well

Use the people search within other major social networks 

Read the recommendations how to search for people in our webinars on genealogy, there are specific recommendations and tips from experts, historians, users, not only on how to find a person by name and surname, but also how to search without having in hand any data on their ancestors.

How can I benefit from the surname search section?

First, this section is useful if you want to get more information online about what your last name means, what names people in your last name are called and who they are by horoscope, and what the spread is on the world map.

Secondly, you will learn more information about your possible ancestors and namesakes. By searching for your surname, you will immediately find out where it is mentioned in various historical sources. You might even find there your great-grandparents, as well as interesting versions about the origin of the surname from our users.

Thirdly, here you can find information about your namesakes, and there is every chance to recognize in them your distant relatives. If you wish, you can continue communicating in family groups (a link to them will be available on the search results page).

If you know any additional information about your or someone else's surname, you can tell us about it in the comments on the page.

An example of a search for a person with the last name George:

Enter the last name "George" in the search box and click "Search," or you can select the last name from the catalog by first clicking on "All Surnames with a J" and then selecting "George."

The search results page provides information about the meaning of the surname , presents pages of archived records, people search ads, and other interesting information (if there is a video about the meaning of the surname, it will be automatically available on the page). The origin of the surname can be supplemented with your version if you happen to know any other version.

Other tabs have information on found registered users on the site; it makes sense to check them as well.

Do I have to register to use the last name search?

You can use this section without registration, but registered users get several convenient and useful features. For example, suppose you build your family tree. In that case, the system will automatically check all of your relatives in the family tree database, and you will instantly get comprehensive information on them at once. When new archives are added, registered users are the first to get access to them, and if the last name matches, the system automatically notifies you and helps you find the person at once on the right page.

Registration on the site is free and takes less than 1 minute. Registration doesn't require entering a cell phone number and access is activated without SMS. Registered users can leave comments on archive pages, and add ads to find people for free.